-Take picture of Apple
-b is for ball
-c is for car
-d is for drum
-walk outside
-raise camera
-e is for egg
-f is for frog by table frogs jumping on table
-g guitar
-h horse
-walk in living room
-I ice-cream
-j is for jacket put on
-k keys
-L lion
-walk into bedroom
-m monkey open closet monkey in closet
-n 9
-o orange hold up crayon
-p pig
-getting money out of the jar
-q is for quarter
-r is for ring
-s socks
-t tablet
-walk in livingroom
-u umbrella
- v van or vegetables
- W water
- x x-ray (black square over kid skeleton in square)
-y yellow
-z zz kid
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Entertainment | Upload TimePublished on 22 Jun 2018 |
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